3 Happiness Hacks for Executives and Founders: Interview with Kristin Darga | Ep 7

In 2015, researchers from the University of California Berkeley, the University of California San Francisco, and The Entrepreneurship Center at UCSF conducted a study on the mental health of entrepreneurs and found that self-reported mental health challenges existed across 72% of the entrepreneurs in their sample. Across their lifetime:

  • 30% had experienced depression

  • 27% had anxiety

  • 29% had ADHD

  • 12% had substance use conditions

  • 11% had a bipolar diagnosis

In this episode I interview Kristin Darga, serial entrepreneur, executive coach and author of “Impact Founder.” Kristin finds that at a minimum having and maintaining a structure and strict boundaries around well being is crucial. She has found through the years of coaching and interviewing executives and business owners that they often neglect their own basic wellbeing needs in order to (…fill in the blank). How are you supposed to lead a team, encourage success, a positive attitude and meet goals if you can't meet your own goals and needs? To this end, Kristin shares these three happiness hacks:

1. The movement-mood connection

2. One-sided self-care support

3. Take back your time


About Kristin Darga

Kristin Darga, CEO and founder of Black Label Coaching and Impact Founder is a keynote speaker, award-winning author, health, performance, crisis and executive coach. She has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs, executives, individuals desiring personal growth and teams in companies.
As a six time founder, she also understands the highly satisfying yet distressing road of entrepreneurship.

Leading up to owning a media company and executive performance coaching firm, she has experience from years as a management consultant, marketing specialist, journalist, and publicity with Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Kristin’s clients include global CEOs/founders (& Teams) of venture-backed start-ups, SaaS companies, Microsoft dynamics partners, leaders at companies like Visa, brick & mortar business owners, musician entrepreneurs and highly motivated leaders who are committed to making change through their profession. Kristin specializes in relationships/teamwork, customized leadership assessments, M&A, fast growth companies and career transitions.

During her training, she studied with some of the world’s top health experts; including Dr. Deepak Chopra, leader in the field of mind-body medicine; Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine; Dr. David Katz, Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center; Dr. Walter Willett, Chair of Nutrition at Harvard University. She has in-depth education and training with Landmark Worldwide.

Show Notes

About Kristin

Instagram: @kristindarga 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristindarga/

Book: Impact Founder: Inspirational stories of entrepreneurs who risk everything for what they believe in


Podcast: The Founder Confessional Podcast by Impact Founder


Impact Founder website 


Black label coaching website 


About Entrepreneurs, Executives & Mental Health

Depression and Entrepreneurial Exit (2018): https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/amp.2016.0183

The Entrepreneurial Dream: Happiness, Depression and Freedom (2019): https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/61549090/The_Entrepreneurial_Dream_public20191218-17513-v35psv-libre.pdf?1576668591=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DThe_Entrepreneurial_Dream_Happiness_Depr.pdf&Expires=1676314870&Signature=RXqldC-QCS~Qk0HR8PV2TCMGIF13HoMMt3~8GpeVnRySnKdgg-~TgNN5XhZGK4lB8JhaoQK8TlceV4NouZ~Sl~BJ39fJyJPAo2~D8zn1yEAEZLY2u9AlT11OfobqrUCiC7TvBCBIwWoLJJlhfMGlyzX5rhau~uPTJJ6xKr0LTJvPyeA5NmQ7Y1XilnUOEHJWLcBRy5KPuZVaI7g3S4qz21DTxs9ApyvycYlvQbnpDFmEqoOrvdkdrMVZTpYMemXqt2X4ZiUwGjDre9UAbUekSIP1d12sIdokomM4KifYIFvn1xSRrlsSnneUCogpQySSRzNsI8UN7f1ywuWzhlOfsg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA

Cubbon, L., Darga, K., Wisnesky, U.D. et al. Depression among entrepreneurs: a scoping review. Small Bus Econ 57, 781–805 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-020-00382-4

Freeman et al (2015) Are Entrepreneurs “Touched with Fire”?https://www.michaelafreemanmd.com/Research_files/Are%20Entrepreneurs%20Touched%20with%20Fire%20(pre-pub%20n)%204-17-15.pdf

Stress Reduction & Coaching

Why a Long Walk is Better Than You Think: https://thestrongkitchen.com/blog/post/why-a-long-walk-is-better-than-you-think

Benefits of Walking in Nature: https://www.inc.com/scott-mautz/science-just-revealed-a-20-minute-routine-that-can-significantly-reduce-your-stress.html

Difference between Therapy and Coaching: https://www.verywellmind.com/should-i-work-with-a-psychotherapist-or-coach-2337587

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