For many, fostering well-being at the workplace historically equated to fitness or weight loss challenges. More recently, many companies have been integrating emotional well-being into their benefits programs by augmenting their mental health support offerings. However, what is often left out of these conversations is the spiritual component of workplace well-being.
Some people may bristle at this notion, thinking all we mean is religiosity at work. Spirituality is related to religion for many, and for others it also means finding meaning, value and inspiration beyond ourselves. How spiritual experiences like these show up at work can really make a difference in one’s satisfaction and happiness.
When we have a “spirit-infused workplace” our souls are nurtured, we have a sense of purpose, and we want to better our society and the world we live in. In this interview I speak with long-time friend Robin Szeliga. Robin has been studying the role of consciousness and self-awareness in leadership and how a richer inner life landscape can help transform a workplace that holds deep meaning and connection for its workforce.
About Robin Szeliga
Robin Szeliga, Principal of Right Action Consulting, began her coaching and leadership development practice after twenty-five years in business where she was a CFO and COO of both public companies and non-profits. Her quick rise through the corporate ranks and her experiences as the CFO of a Fortune 100 company at an early age gave her insight to the path many leaders follow and empathy for the challenges they face. She embraced her personal and professional challenges along the way as opportunities for self-reflection and career redirection. She became a Certified Professional Coach and Leadership Development Professional to support others in defining success and finding joy along the way.
Robin is a certified yoga instructor and meditation practitioner. She enjoys time with her family and being immersed in nature while hiking, running, riding her bike, and meditating.
Robin will complete a Masters in Consciousness and Transformative Studies in 2023 and actively incorporates inner work such as self-reflection and mindfulness in her life and work. She believes that living a life of deep interconnection to all beings and the planet is the path to wellbeing and joy. She encourages her clients to integrate an internal and external perspective when setting goals and evaluating success.
For additional information or inquiry, contact Robin at 303-257-5718 or

Show notes
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Hanh, T. N. (1995). Living Buddha living Christ. Riverhead Books.
Lieberman, M. (2013). Social: Why our brains are wired to connect. New York: Crown Publishers.
Moore, T. (2016). Care of the soul. Harper Perrenial .
Segiel, D. (2009). Mindsight: The new science of personal transformation. Bantam.
What is Workplace Spirituality
Jena, L.K. (2022), "Does workplace spirituality lead to raising employee performance? The role of citizenship behavior and emotional intelligence", International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. 30 No. 6, pp. 1309-1334.
Singh, R.K. and Singh, S. (2022), "Spirituality in the workplace: a systematic review", Management Decision, Vol. 60 No. 5, pp. 1296-1325.
Workplace Spirituality: A Comparative Study of Various Models
Rupa Rathee and Pallavi Rajain, Jindal Journal of Business Research 2020 9:1, 27-40