Cultivating a Restorative and Just Culture in the Workplace with Susan Murray | Ep. 38

In this episode of "Headspace for the Workplace," Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas sits down with Susan Murray from the Zero Suicide Institute of Australasia to discuss the profound impact of shifting from a blame-oriented culture to one focused on restorative just culture. Dr. Sally emphasizes that in the wake of critical workplace incidents, the natural reaction often leans towards assigning blame. This approach, however, exacerbates fear and secrecy, ultimately leading to repeated mistakes. Instead, embracing a restorative and just culture allows organizations to view these incidents as systemic failures rather than human errors, fostering an environment of learning and improvement.

Susan Murray discusses the Zero Suicide framework, which advocates for a transformative approach within the healthcare system to better address and support individuals with suicidal tendencies. She highlights that adverse events are often rooted in the workplace setup rather than individual fault. By focusing on creating a healing culture, organizations can cultivate psychological safety, thereby reducing the risk of suicide and improving overall employee well-being. This shift requires leaders to be compassionate, accessible, and dedicated to understanding the needs and challenges of their teams.

The discussion underscores the importance of restorative just culture in creating a supportive and effective work environment. restorative just culture involves recognizing who has been hurt by an incident, understanding their needs, and determining who has the obligation to address those needs. By fostering open communication and a willingness to learn from mistakes, organizations can build trust, encourage collaboration, and drive continuous improvement. Dr. Sally and Susan's conversation serves as a powerful reminder that focusing on system-wide changes rather than individual blame can lead to healthier, more resilient workplaces.

More about Susan Murray

Sue Murray OAM is a health promotion advocate dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all people. Throughout her career she has focused on health for the community and has expertise in communications, education and organizational development.

Sue currently leads the Zero Suicide Institute of Australasia which aims to support the healthcare system understand and more effectively manage those who are vulnerable to suicidal behaviour.


  • Healthcare incidents primarily stem from workplace setup, not human error.

  • Embrace healing culture to safeguard healthcare professionals from suicide risk.

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