
From Heartache to Happiness: 5 Daily Practices of Love that Lead to Well-Being

From Heartache to Happiness: 5 Daily Practices of Love that Lead to Well-Being

There are many forms of love from Eros the passionate love to Philia, the love we have for our family. Another type of love — Agape — is also tied to our well-being. Agape is the universal love we feel for each other and our world. When we send this form of love through kindness, gratitude or other forms of altruism, it not only helps others, it helps us.

What If They Say “Yes” to the Suicide Question? Four Responses That Make a Difference

What If They Say “Yes” to the Suicide Question? Four Responses That Make a Difference

What if you ask someone if they are thinking about suicide, and they say, “yes”? What do you say?

Often when people express daunting thoughts about suicide they expect to be judged. They anticipate that others will react in negative ways such as fear, anger, minimizing, or shaming. When they hear a genuine expression of gratitude, often they are put at ease. This honoring response creates a safe space to move into next steps. Starting here is starting from a place of dignity and respect...