Headspace for the Workplace -- Greetings from Dr. Sally | Ep 1

Headspace for the Workplace – A Podcast on How to Cultivate a Vibrant and Psychologically Safe and Healthy Workforce with your host Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas


In our brain-based economy, we depend on fully engaged, mentally healthy teams. Organizations that have figured this out not only have a competitive advantage, they are awesome places to work. If you want to be able to recruit and retain emerging talent, this podcast will give you the tools that let them know their workplace cares about them.

Psychological safety goes beyond just a fear of making mistakes or suggesting new ideas — it’s really a deep feeling of trust. Psychologically safe environments are where people believe “you have my back” in all areas: when I am learning, when I feel different than others, and when I am having a very difficult time.

Psychologically safe and healthy workplaces actively seek to promote workers’ emotional health and prevent psychosocial hazards due to workplace factors.

Most people who die by suicide or overdose are of working age, making the workplace arguably the most cross cutting system for suicide prevention, addiction recovery and mental health promotion. And yet, workplaces are often underprepared and react rather than respond when faced with mental health emergencies.

Take a listen to the lessons learned and actionable take-aways to promote mental health and wellbeing and support people through tough times – at work.

Reasons to Prioritize Workplace Psychological Health and Safety

#1 Save lives

#2 Mitigate suffering

#3 Increase overall workplace safety

#4 Recruit and retain emerging talent

#5 Improve productivity with a vibrant workforce

#6 Decrease healthcare costs

#7 Improve morale


Upstream, Midstream & Downstream Approaches to Workplace Well-Being

Workplaces that are successful in building psychologically safe and healthy workplaces implement a comprehensive strategy that uses “upstream, midstream and downstream” approaches.

This podcast will explore all areas. We are not afraid to tackle the tough stuff.

About Dr. Sally

Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas holds a deep commitment to not only help prevent suicide, but also to encourage people to sustain a passion for living.


As a clinical psychologist, mental health advocate, and researcher, she sees the issues from many perspectives. Her heart, however, is called, and her dedication to the mission unwavering due the suicide death of her brother. Her goal is to give voice to people who’ve lived through depression, addiction, and the impacts of suicide and leverage their wisdom to develop  bold, gap-filling strategies and programs - approaches that empower cultural and systems change in our workplaces, education systems and communities.


Changes that support people into recovery and a life worth living.


Sally is the lead author on the National Guidelines for Workplace Suicide Prevention and president of United Suicide Survivors International. She is an accomplished speaker with a popular TEDx talk and a White House address to her credits.


When she's not flying around the world speaking and training, you can find Dr. Sally in her fuzzy slippers at her home office with her loyal dog Rocky or at 12,000 feet backpacking the Colorado Trail.

Show Notes

About Dr. Sally

Website: https://www.sallyspencerthomas.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sallyspencerthomas/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrSallySpeaks/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/sspencerthomas

Other podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/0qJyyUUx0fEOr2HIHffJjQ?si=6f6ebbf8bf4741b9

About Workplace Psychological Health and Safety

National Guidelines for Workplace Suicide Prevention: http://workplacesuicideprevention.com/

Construction Working Minds: https://www.constructionworkingminds.org/