As a mental health advocate working with numerous employers, I frequently encounter organizations that underutilize one of their most valuable resources: their Employee Assistance Program (EAP). In my recent conversation with John Levy, president of CCA, we explored how companies need to shift their perception of EAPs from being just another employee benefit to viewing them as strategic partners in workplace wellbeing. This paradigm shift is crucial because when employers limit their understanding of EAPs to just providing therapy services, they miss out on a wealth of opportunities to improve their organizational health.
From the Shadows into the Light – Supporting Complicated Grief at Work: Interview with Katie Huey | Ep. 59
This week I am joined by Katie Huey, an expert in leadership and organizational development, whose personal journey through loss has fueled her passion for advocating compassionate workplaces. Together, we discuss the profound impact of complicated and disenfranchised grief on individuals and the workplace.