Where were you on April 20th, 1999?
Many of us watched in horror that day as the news unfolded about of the Columbine School shootings. At the time I was working for a police psychology private practice about two miles from Columbine. What many don’t know about me is that before my brother died, my area of expertise was violence prevention because of this tragedy and our group’s response. My mentor Dr. John Nicoletti, I and others subsequently published two books:
After Carson died by suicide in 2004, I distanced myself from this work as the general public’s connection between mental health conditions and community violence was one I did not want to reinforce.
When I met Faith Kohler, however, the conversations about violence prevention, specifically workplace violence prevention resumed. In this conversation Faith Kohler talk about a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to mitigating and preventing workplace violence and our belief that trust and psychological safety are essential in any effective process.
About Faith Kohler, JD
Faith Kohler, J.D. is a licensed attorney and former federal agent with vast experience in risk and harm prevention. Throughout her law enforcement and private sector career Faith received national recognition for the creation of innovative, prevention-focused programs. The organizations she served include the U.S. Postal Service as well as cross-industry Fortune 500 companies. Her work enables organizations to address risk and build safer workplace culture using a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach. Her program architecture factors in enhanced employee experience, from physical to psychological safety; interventional response; improved collaboration between departments that reduces organizational and human risk; improved organizational mindset and employees behaviors for a safer, more preventive workplace culture.
Faith is a mom to three grown sons and a feisty Jack Russell Terrier. She is also a published author, visual artist and social practice filmmaker. A frequent panelist and speaker on issues related to homelessness, violence prevention and other critical social issues, Faith uses her art as a platform to spark community conversations and change. She holds a B.A. from Wellesley College and a J.D. from Marquette University Law School. When not traveling she divides her time between Miami, FL and Milwaukee, WI.
Faith Kohler’s Violence Prevention Website: http://www.faithkohler.us/
Faith Kohler’s artwork: https://www.faithkohlerartist.com/
Show Notes
Articles by Faith Kohler
Sally and Faith - Fellow artists and mothers of three adult sons! At Faith’s studio in Milwaukee.
Psychological Perspectives on Violence: Prevention and Intervention (2021) New York State Psychological Association: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.nyspa.org/resource/resmgr/docs/2021/nyspa_-_journal,_the_-_viole.pdf
Faith’s blog posts on Workplace Violence Prevention: http://www.faithkohler.us/category/workplace-violence/
Additional Workplace Violence Prevention Resources
CDC Violence Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/index.html
SHRM Workplace Violence: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/pages/workplace-violence.aspx
Addressing Domestic Violence in the Workplace: https://www.futureswithoutviolence.org/addressing-domestic-violence-in-the-workplace/
Shane Snow “The Surprising Thing Most Humans Get Backwards about Earning Trust” https://www.shanesnow.com/teamwork/trust-misconception
Books Co-Authored by Dr. Sally on Violence Prevention
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