
The Gaming Community and Suicide Prevention: Interview with Fenway Jones | Episode 86

The Gaming Community and Suicide Prevention: Interview with Fenway Jones | Episode 86

While many non-gamers might have only heard of some of the potential negative consequences of excessive (mostly video-based) gaming (e.g., desensitization, sleep deprivation, and neglect of other life priorities like academics, work and exercise), those inside the gaming community (especially board and role play-based games) have come to realize there are many well-being benefits:

  • Often radical acceptance and unconditional regard

  • A virtual community that is highly accessible and inclusive

  • A reprieve from the toxicity of bullying, harassment and discrimination

  • Opportunities to learn and excel in problem-solving and communication

  • A chance to envision and experiment with ideal versions of themselves

In this episode, I speak with the amazing Fenway Jones, a high school student who is changing the world. We talk about the psychological benefits of being a part of a positive gaming community. We also discuss how she has made meaning after losing two friends by engaging the gaming community in suicide prevention.

Resilience and the Transgender Community -- Living Out Loud: Interview with Iden Campbell | Episode 13

Resilience and the Transgender Community -- Living Out Loud: Interview with Iden Campbell | Episode 13

41% of adults who identify as transgender have attempted suicide (versus 4.6% of U.S. general population and 10-20% of LGB adults). The issues driving this despair are usually best understood best through a lens of social justice…We must fight injustice and advocate for safety. In this podcast, Iden and I talk about his incredibly inspiring journey into activism and some take-away messages about building resilience.