peer support

Addressing Generational Trauma in Indigenous Communities with John Cornelius| Ep. 140

Addressing Generational Trauma in Indigenous Communities with John Cornelius| Ep. 140

I had the privilege of speaking with John Cornelius about generational trauma and healing in tribal communities. John shared his deeply personal story of growing up on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, where he experienced firsthand the complex challenges facing Native communities. From his early memories with his grandfather to navigating life in a community struggling with high suicide rates, overcrowding, and limited resources, John painted a vivid picture of reservation life.

The Power of Multilingual Support in Recovery with Dr. Pierluigi Mancini | Ep. 139

The Power of Multilingual Support in Recovery with Dr. Pierluigi Mancini | Ep. 139

When I met Dr. Pierluigi Mancini at the Crisis Now summit in Amsterdam, I knew I had encountered someone truly extraordinary. Here was a person who had not only recognized a critical gap in mental health services for non-English speakers but had devoted his life to building a comprehensive solution. What struck me most was his understanding that cultural and linguistic responsiveness isn't just about translation – it's about purposeful investment in understanding and serving communities in ways that genuinely resonate with their needs and values.

Meet Them Where They Are At -- Social Media and Suicide Prevention for Youth: Interview with Dr. Jo Robinson | Episode 96

Meet Them Where They Are At -- Social Media and Suicide Prevention for Youth: Interview with Dr. Jo Robinson | Episode 96

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people in many places around the globe, and many countries are seeing increasing rates of suicidal despair among our teens and young adults. How do we develop a more “youth friendly” suicide prevention strategy?

We listen to them and empower them to lead.

Come hear about the incredibly ground breaking work led by A/Prof Jo Robinson at the University of Melbourne in Australia. She is co-designing youth suicide research and prevention programs like “Chat Safe” with youth as her active partners. Their shared mission is to help young people feel better equipped to communicate safely about suicide on-line.

A New Age of On-Line Peer Support - Impact Entrepreneurs are a Force for Good: Interview with Jeff Dorchester and Dion Gonzales of | Episode 38

A New Age of On-Line Peer Support - Impact Entrepreneurs are a Force for Good: Interview with Jeff Dorchester and Dion Gonzales of | Episode 38

In this interview I chat with some amazing impact entrepreneurs who are a force for good in this space. They have found a way to harness the power of peer support — at very unique peer group levels — to give people a way to connect with others who are walking a similar path. is an anonymous, peer-to-peer social network that proactively uses technology to provide access to support people 24/7/365 in 63 languages. Some giants like Microsoft have taken notice. Founded by a passion fueled by their own lived experience, Dion Gonzales and Jeff Dorchester are filling an important gap in our chain of survival.

Be Vocal, Be Visible, Be Visionary -- The Role of Union Leadership in Suicide Prevention: Interview with Chris Carlough | Episode 34

Be Vocal, Be Visible, Be Visionary -- The Role of Union Leadership in Suicide Prevention: Interview with Chris Carlough | Episode 34

“Be vocal, be visible, be visionary. There is no shame in stepping forward, but there is great risk in holding back and just hoping for the best.” ~Higher Education Center

When it comes to suicide prevention in the workplace, we need bold leaders — leaders who are willing to take a stand and say, “suicide prevention matters to me, and it matters to our workforce.” We need leaders with a vision to aspire to a zero suicide mindset and to yield their influence to creating a culture of caring and mental wellbeing. When workers are having a hard time, we need leaders to notice and tell them, “If you reach out to me when you are suffering, I’ve got your back. I will persist with you until we’ve found the right support and resources to help you be your best self again. You matter to us and we need you to achieve our mission.”

In this episode we will hear from one leader who is doing just that within the construction industry — within labor specifically — building upon the culture of “we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers.”