impact entrepreneurship

Part 3: Standing in Solidarity for Suicide Prevention -- Acting in Solidarity as a Way Forward

Part 3: Standing in Solidarity for Suicide Prevention -- Acting in Solidarity as a Way Forward

Cross-cutting and intersecting identities add richness to our suicide prevention movement; however, in order to accomplish solidarity, we need to be willing to create safe spaces for listening and empathy. As part of this process we must acknowledge that identity fluidity is also expected as people move through various life experiences. Across both lived experiences and academic ways of understanding suicide, we have an opportunity to learn by removing judgment and blame, and seeking compassion — especially when we have been on the opposite sides of fear.

Five Steps in Building Solidarity in the Suicide Prevention Movement…

Part 1: Standing in Solidarity for Suicide Prevention -- What Do We Mean by Solidarity and Why Does it Matter to Suicide Prevention?

Part 1: Standing in Solidarity for Suicide Prevention -- What Do We Mean by Solidarity and Why Does it Matter to Suicide Prevention?

Solidarity noun sol·i·dar·i·ty | \ ˌsä-lə-ˈder-ə-tē , -ˈda-rə- \. Unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on community of interests, objectives, and standards

“Any movement that hopes to sustain commitment over a period of time must make the construction of collective identity one of its most central tasks.” (Gamson, 1991, p. 27)

“Solidarity…holds great potential for understanding the transformative power…for social justice.” (Rogers & Calle Diaz, 2018, p.64)

Ikigai: How to Get from Work-Life Chaos to Confluence

Ikigai: How to Get from Work-Life Chaos to Confluence

…Ikigai — a Japanese concept that brings together two words meaning “alive” and “things that make life worth living.” Ikigai is a practice from the culture of Okinawa that is credited for the long vibrant work lives and good health that allow the people in the region to thrive into old age. At the heart of this philosophy is the notion that one will allow the possibilities of the self to blossom by doing what you love, what the world needs, what you can be paid for and what you are good at. A confluence of all things important…

We Can Do Better….Together: The 3Cs to Our Success

We Can Do Better….Together: The 3Cs to Our Success

…I have learned that “together we are better.”

This week, I am reminded of the many ways we need each other. Here are just a couple of ways this theme of interdependence is showing up in my life in just the last few days. These three lessons I’ve learned this week illuminate how our deep, reciprocal connections matter… 

Innovative Ways to #ElevateTheConvo on Fatherhood Engagement and Well-being

Innovative Ways to #ElevateTheConvo on Fatherhood Engagement and Well-being

I’ve been looking forward to the Dad 2.0 Summit for months. 
Not just because it was hosted in New Orleans at the beginning of Mardi Gras…
Not just because I got an opportunity to reconnect with some inspiring thought leaders who are there to support men in becoming the best fathers they can be…
Not just because my “krewe” was there to reveal some powerful stories of hope from our “Guts, Grit and the Grind” men’s mental health anthology…
But also because, the Dad 2.0 Summit exemplifies what it means to engage an army that successfully fights for a cause....

Why Impact Entrepreneurship Matters to Me and the Cause of Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention

Why Impact Entrepreneurship Matters to Me and the Cause of Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention

“Applying business skills to resolving social ills…part saint, part politician, part business person,” said Robert Redford about social entrepreneurs.

What is Impact Entrepreneurship?

Social entrepreneurs, or “Impact Entrepreneurs,” as I like to call them, bring together the best of the nonprofit heart and the for-profit efficiency. They are the ideal blend of the best of both worlds and the future of how business and social change gets done.