men's mental health

Ikigai: How to Get from Work-Life Chaos to Confluence

Ikigai: How to Get from Work-Life Chaos to Confluence

…Ikigai — a Japanese concept that brings together two words meaning “alive” and “things that make life worth living.” Ikigai is a practice from the culture of Okinawa that is credited for the long vibrant work lives and good health that allow the people in the region to thrive into old age. At the heart of this philosophy is the notion that one will allow the possibilities of the self to blossom by doing what you love, what the world needs, what you can be paid for and what you are good at. A confluence of all things important…

“You Matter to Me”: 4 Reasons Why Peer Support Saves Lives

“You Matter to Me”: 4 Reasons Why Peer Support Saves Lives

The person most likely to save your life from suicide is someone you already know. Sometimes it may be a family member or a supervisor. Often its a peer.

7 Untold Stories of Suicide Prevention and Suicide Grief Support

7 Untold Stories of Suicide Prevention and Suicide Grief Support

…I don’t really have the chops to be a researcher or the patience to be a clinician, but I often find myself in new territories, listening to people share their insights about living through unimaginable suffering. Then I look to connect partners much smarter than I who can make a difference in alleviating that despair. So, as I am listening, I think to myself, “there are the stories I wish we would talk about more.” 

One Woman’s Thoughts on Masculinity: Why We All Must Dig Deeper in Our Understanding of What it Means to Be a Man

One Woman’s Thoughts on Masculinity:  Why We All Must Dig Deeper in Our Understanding of What it Means to Be a Man

Given that men in their middle years are dying by suicide at increasingly higher rates, I spend much of my time speaking and training in male-dominated industries like construction, transportation, veteran and first responder communities. The men I have met along the way have taught me much about resilience and honor…