Mental health

11 Tips to Get Ready for National Suicide Prevention Week/World Suicide Prevention Day

11 Tips to Get Ready for National Suicide Prevention Week/World Suicide Prevention Day

This year, for World Suicide Prevention Day, the theme is “Creating Hope through Action.” For too long we’ve been stuck in “awareness raising” — a necessary but not sufficient condition for change.

It’s time to take action. Here are 10 tips for an impactful National Suicide Prevention Week (September 5-11)/World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10th) - action steps you can take with you to impact your community all year long.

From Awareness to Action: Kickstarting a Revolution in Suicide Prevention with Social Courage

From Awareness to Action: Kickstarting a Revolution in Suicide Prevention with Social Courage

It seems fitting that on this day — July 4th — I should write a little something about kickstarting a revolution.

June was overwhelming for many in my suicide prevention tribe — the scientists, advocates, clinicians, crisis call-takers, peer supporters, and many people with all forms of lived experience with suicide — as many of us were called upon to respond to the seemingness constant barrage of tragic news about suicide and trauma.

5 Take-Aways from the International Association for Suicide Prevention World Congress in Kuching, Malaysia

5 Take-Aways from the International Association for Suicide Prevention World Congress in Kuching, Malaysia

The International Association for Suicide Prevention World Congress took place in Kuching, Malaysia, with over 600 delegates from over 50 countries present. The theme was “Preventing Suicide: A Global Commitment from Communities to Continents." Here are the five themes I’d like to share with you...