Have you ever noticed how your heart rate changes when you're stressed or relaxed? Your heart rate is not constant but fluctuates slightly. This natural variability in heart rate is known as Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and is an essential indicator of our overall well-being. In recent years, researchers have discovered a strong connection between HRV, vagal tone, and stress management.
6 Tools to Mitigate Burnout – Individual and Organizational Solutions
Burnout plagues workers, parents, students, and countless others. According to SHRM[1], in 2021 47.8 million workers quit their jobs, making the monthly average almost four million and the highest resignation rate on record. Fortune[2] reported that for 30% of workers left behind getting work done is a significant challenge, resulting many feeling decreasing loyalty as everyone fights for the war for talent.
Many speculate that this great churn in labor is the result of crippling burnout.
Denver-based Business, Nonprofit and Musicians Partner to put Mental Health in the Spotlight
There is perhaps no better way to build a community around difficult challenges and loss than to bring people together to let them know that they are not alone, at least that is the hope that Dazzle owner Donald Rossa and United Survivor’s Board President, Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas are operating under for Monday night's special fundraiser.
More Than Tired: Understanding Burnout
11 Tips to Get Ready for National Suicide Prevention Week/World Suicide Prevention Day
This year, for World Suicide Prevention Day, the theme is “Creating Hope through Action.” For too long we’ve been stuck in “awareness raising” — a necessary but not sufficient condition for change.
It’s time to take action. Here are 10 tips for an impactful National Suicide Prevention Week (September 5-11)/World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10th) - action steps you can take with you to impact your community all year long.
The Long Haul -- COVID-19, Prolonged Toxic Stress & Mental Health at Work: The Bad News, the Good News & 10 Action Steps Employers Can Take that Make a Difference
As we approach 2021, we are still adjusting to the many new ways the COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting just about every aspect of our lives. Many are asking -- How has COVID-19 impacted workplace wellbeing? Are we facing a “perfect storm” of risk factors for suicide or are there aspects of this crisis that give us hope in our resilient human spirit? Finally, what can workplaces do during this time to support workers and their families?
RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS NEEDED: Mental Health in the Workplace
Are you in HR? An employment lawyer? Someone with lived experience with mental health or suicide who was working at the time you experienced a mental health issue while employed? If so — we want to hear from you! Please, take our 15-20 minute survey. This research project is a collaborative effort among Dr. Anthony Fulginiti of the University of Denver, Judge (Ret.) Mary McClatchey, the Employers Council and United Suicide Survivors International (through me!).
“You Matter to Me”: 4 Reasons Why Peer Support Saves Lives
7 Untold Stories of Suicide Prevention and Suicide Grief Support
…I don’t really have the chops to be a researcher or the patience to be a clinician, but I often find myself in new territories, listening to people share their insights about living through unimaginable suffering. Then I look to connect partners much smarter than I who can make a difference in alleviating that despair. So, as I am listening, I think to myself, “there are the stories I wish we would talk about more.”
ANNOUNCEMENT: National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) Commences Gap Analysis to Improve Suicide Prevention in Fire Service
The Strength of the Trauma Survivor: What if Sisyphus Reached the Top
Without fail, a person seeking treatment for PTSD will come into my office and say something along the lines of, “Well, other people have had it worse. I should be over it by now.” This is the convincing trap of posttraumatic stress...
Spiritual Wellness and the Intersection of Faith, Spiritual Practices, Faith Communities and Suicide Prevention
As we start a new year with new aspirations and intentions, dealing with a mental health or suicide crisis can be particularly challenging. Other seems so full of hope, while you—or a loved one—are struggling. For those with a strong faith background or spiritual sensibility, the difficulties can be compounded...