
The Long Haul -- COVID-19, Prolonged Toxic Stress & Mental Health at Work: The Bad News, the Good News & 10 Action Steps Employers Can Take that Make a Difference

The Long Haul -- COVID-19, Prolonged Toxic Stress & Mental Health at Work: The Bad News, the Good News & 10 Action Steps Employers Can Take that Make a Difference

As we approach 2021, we are still adjusting to the many new ways the COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting just about every aspect of our lives. Many are asking -- How has COVID-19 impacted workplace wellbeing? Are we facing a “perfect storm” of risk factors for suicide or are there aspects of this crisis that give us hope in our resilient human spirit? Finally, what can workplaces do during this time to support workers and their families?

From Awareness to Action: Kickstarting a Revolution in Suicide Prevention with Social Courage

From Awareness to Action: Kickstarting a Revolution in Suicide Prevention with Social Courage

It seems fitting that on this day — July 4th — I should write a little something about kickstarting a revolution.

June was overwhelming for many in my suicide prevention tribe — the scientists, advocates, clinicians, crisis call-takers, peer supporters, and many people with all forms of lived experience with suicide — as many of us were called upon to respond to the seemingness constant barrage of tragic news about suicide and trauma.

One Woman’s Thoughts on Masculinity: Why We All Must Dig Deeper in Our Understanding of What it Means to Be a Man

One Woman’s Thoughts on Masculinity:  Why We All Must Dig Deeper in Our Understanding of What it Means to Be a Man

Given that men in their middle years are dying by suicide at increasingly higher rates, I spend much of my time speaking and training in male-dominated industries like construction, transportation, veteran and first responder communities. The men I have met along the way have taught me much about resilience and honor…

Stoicism, Stress and Suicide among Farmers

Stoicism, Stress and Suicide among Farmers

The stoicism of farmers helps them power through hardship and harsh environmental conditions often in great isolation, but when it comes to their mental health, this power through approach can be life threatening. It’s not surprising then that “farming, fishing and forestry” is the industry with the highest suicide rates (McIntosh et al, 2016)...