
Compassion, Connection and Recovery Intention – How Faith Communities Can Best Support People Impacted by Suicide with Shannon Parkin | 127

Compassion, Connection and Recovery Intention – How Faith Communities Can Best Support People Impacted by Suicide with Shannon Parkin | 127

Explore the transformative power of compassion and connection in suicide prevention with Shannon Parkin's research and insights in this compelling episode of Hope Illuminated podcast.

Unplugged -- How to Reconnect with Nature in the Digital Age: Interview with Sebastian Slovin | Episode 89

Unplugged -- How to Reconnect with Nature in the Digital Age: Interview with Sebastian Slovin | Episode 89

There is a growing scientific field called “ecotherapy” that has demonstrated a strong connection between time spent outside in nature and improved well-being. Shifting our attention to the sounds, smells, and beauty is calming for many. On brain scans we can actually see reduced activity in. the parts of the brain that are linked to rumination — or repetitive negative thoughts. In this episode, I speak with Sebastian Slovin, author of Experience Nature Unplugged: A Guide to Wellness in the Digital Age, a new book on how connecting with nature helps reset our brains. We discuss the ways our digital lives are negatively impacting our mental health and how nature is the perfect antidote.

Teens Bereaved by Suicide -- Moving Forward When You Feel Left Behind: Interview with Jason Holzer | Episode 47

Teens Bereaved by Suicide -- Moving Forward When You Feel Left Behind: Interview with Jason Holzer | Episode 47

When a teen loses a loved one to suicide, the intense reactions can be overwhelming, and sometimes the caring adults don’t know what to do to help. Teens who are already feeling the pressure of school and social expectations can be very challenged in navigating the complexity of suicide bereavement. In this interview, Jason shares his journey from surviving to thriving after losing his Dad to suicide when he was 17.