United Suicide Survivors International

Suicide is the Untold Story of Gun Violence in the US -- Why Gun Safety is Suicide Prevention: Interview with Dr. Michael Anestis | Episode 82

Suicide is the Untold Story of Gun Violence in the US -- Why Gun Safety is Suicide Prevention: Interview with Dr. Michael Anestis | Episode 82

According to Everytown for Gun Safety, nearly 2/3 of all gun deaths in the US are suicide fatalities. A surge in firearm purchases during the last year have many in the suicide prevention field concerned about increasing suicide rates long term, because the research is clear — easy access to lethal means for suicide increases risk for people when suicidal intensity surges.

In this podcast, I speak with one of the worlds leading experts on guns and suicide. Dr. Mike Anestis shares concrete action steps we can take as we work toward a collaborative solution to keep our homes safer from suicide.

Storytelling in Community -- Lifting Up the Voices of People with Lived Experience: Interview with Jennifer Marshall | Episode 67

Storytelling in Community -- Lifting Up the Voices of People with Lived Experience: Interview with Jennifer Marshall | Episode 67

Community activism is built on a cycle of trust, undergirded by stories. Synergy is achieved by weaving together purpose-driven and authentic voices that together represent a community as a whole. When the collection of stories is shared publicly, the advocates have an easier time enrolling others into the movement. When people listen to stories, communities are formed and pull together. Shared experiences become a profound source of validation and consolidation of learning. We are co-constructed by relationships in the community and the stories that arise as a result.

It is no wonder, then, that a number of collective storytelling initiatives about suicide prevention and mental health promotion have emerged, including “This is My Brave.” In this interview I interview Jennifer Marshall, founder of this nonprofit storytelling organization.

Workplace Suicide Prevention Training: Interview with Gabriela Malafaia | Episode 65

Workplace Suicide Prevention Training: Interview with Gabriela Malafaia | Episode 65

The workplace is arguably the most cross-cutting system in suicide prevention. Just about everyone who dies by suicide or attempts suicide was working, was recently working, or has a close friend or family member who is working. Thus, just like we promote CPR training at our job sites to save lives, we should also consider on-going, skill developing suicide prevention training programs. In this presentation I interview Gabriela Malafaia, a leader in People’s Management in the oil and gas industry. We discuss the many reasons why workplace suicide prevention training is the right thing to do and list several best practices to leverage a tiered approach. Sharing a number of case studies, we conclude that successful training initiatives not only improve the confidence and competence of a workforce dedicated to making suicide prevention a health and safety priority, impactful training actually helps drive a caring culture.

How to Fight Soul Exhaustion -- Soul Care During Difficult Times: Interview with Sarah Gaer | Episode 58

How to Fight Soul Exhaustion -- Soul Care During Difficult Times: Interview with Sarah Gaer | Episode 58

When we are in crisis we find ourselves constantly drained by the urgent and important things in our life that demand our attention. Should we get a moment of reprieve, we often succumb to the desire to escape by engaging in something that numbs us out. In this podcast we talk about making time for spiritual wellness during difficult times. My guest, suicide prevention specialist and community trauma responder Sarah Gaer, gives us some concrete ideas on how we can tend to our souls when our world seems like it’s falling down around us.

Living with Depression Where It's Hard to Share: Interview with Cameron Stout | Episode 55

Living with Depression Where It's Hard to Share: Interview with Cameron Stout | Episode 55

In this podcast I sit down with Cameron Stout, a securities defense lawyer who is boldly being “vocal, visible and visionary” in his industry by sharing his journey through and resilient recovery from depression and alcoholism. Attorneys are often type A professionals who are driven to succeed, yet often are reluctant to express vulnerability and share personal challenges. By speaking publicly about his recovery from major depression in 2013, and describing his seven years of sobriety, Cam reduces stigma, and helps others find the courage to be open. In addition to telling his story, Cam outlines the therapies, treatment, and wellness practices that have been key in his recovery process. As Cam will describe for us, his mission of being a storyteller has also been a large part of his own healing, as it can be for all of us.

Cutting through the Clutter — How to Effectively Get your Message of Suicide Prevention Heard: Interview with Dr. Bart Andrews | Episode 42

Cutting through the Clutter — How to Effectively Get your Message of Suicide Prevention Heard: Interview with Dr. Bart Andrews | Episode 42

Recently, with major news coverage of the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” and celebrity suicide deaths, we are having more conversations about suicide, but are we having the right conversations? Are we telling a more powerful tale? In this episode Dr. Bart Andrews shares his story of deciding to “come out” as a suicide attempt survivor, how he challenges “safe messaging guidelines,” and what he believes are most important suicide prevention messages need to be.

"We are Still Here" -- Culture is Prevention in Tribal Communities: Interview with Shelby Rowe | Episode 39

"We are Still Here" -- Culture is Prevention in Tribal Communities: Interview with Shelby Rowe | Episode 39

All over the globe, young Indigenous men have some of the highest rates of suicide. When we take a closer look at this trend, we understand it is much less about individual mental health issues and much more about the consequences of historical trauma. Programs addressing suicide prevention in these communities are promoting culture and community connectedness through storytelling, ceremony and reclaiming culture. These cross-generational initiatives are rooted in values that link the past and present. Values and priorities like honor, identity, pride and resiliency. In this interview I interview my dear friend and one of the most resilient people I know, Shelby Rowe, who shares how she was inspired by her ancestors to be a “designated culture keeper.”

The Resilience of Our Elders -- Protecting against the 5 Ds of Suicide Risk: Interview with Heidi Bryan and Dr. Yeates Conwell | Episode 21

The Resilience of Our Elders -- Protecting against the 5 Ds of Suicide Risk: Interview with Heidi Bryan and Dr. Yeates Conwell | Episode 21

In the podcast our panel includes two experts…together they bring sound research and stories about the resilience of our elders — their life satisfaction and happiness and tactics to ward off the 5 D’s of suicide risk…

Youth Change Makers -- Power, Empathy & Creativity Unleashed: Interview with Stan P. Collins | Episode 17

Youth Change Makers -- Power, Empathy & Creativity Unleashed: Interview with Stan P. Collins | Episode 17

How do we communicate about suicide with teens? Perhaps, they are the ones in the best position to tell us.

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention recommends strategy, safety and a positive narrative when messaging about suicide. Messages and images that encourage hope are better than ones that imply "nothing can be done." Messages that celebrate resilience, healing journeys and compassion are better than ones that romanticize death or are voyeuristic or sensationalized. Messages that inspire action like reaching out or offering compassion are more valuable than ones that perpetuate misinformation and myths.

In this podcast we learn some best practices in enrolling our youth to be these positive, safe, and effective messengers for suicide prevention and mental health promotion.

The New "Stop, Drop and Roll" - 3 Ways to Extinguish the Fire of Suicidal Intensity: Interview with Dr. Ursula Whiteside | Episode 16

The New "Stop, Drop and Roll" - 3 Ways to Extinguish the Fire of Suicidal Intensity: Interview with Dr. Ursula Whiteside | Episode 16

Sometimes, however, despite our best efforts to escape emotional pain, we may find ourselves "on fire." And in these instances of the most extreme forms of suicidal intensity, we need a different set of survival behaviors. We need to extinguish the "oxygen" that is feeding the crisis by quickly resetting the emotional state. In this episode, Dr. Whiteside shares three important steps that can help people reset their emotional system; the suicide crisis equivalent of "stop, drop and roll."

How to Best Support Someone Living with a Mental Health Condition -- Interview with Kevin and Margaret Hines | Episode 5

How to Best Support Someone Living with a Mental Health Condition -- Interview with Kevin and Margaret Hines | Episode 5

Being a caregiver for someone living with a major mental health condition like bipolar disorder is not easy. Let's be honest, our mental healthcare system is challenging -- even when people are mentally well, let alone when they are in the grips of a mental health crisis. Friends and family are often the overlooked links in the chain of survival...