I had the privilege of sitting down with two remarkable individuals, Keir McKechnie and Seonaid Stallan, hailing all the way from Glasgow, Scotland. Their passion and dedication to integrating lived experience into suicide prevention efforts are truly inspiring. Keir’s journey into this field is deeply personal, rooted in a series of tragic suicides during his teenage years, which spurred him to become a psychiatric nurse and later a coordinator for Scotland's National Lived Experience Panel. Meanwhile, Seonaid, a primary teacher, turned her personal grief from losing her son and sister-in-law to suicide into a force for change, using her voice and experiences to advocate for better mental health education and support systems.
Empowerment Matters: How Understanding Personal Agency Can Transform Suicide Prevention with Luke Bayliss | Ep. 138
I had the pleasure of speaking with Luke Bayliss, a researcher from Australia who is doing fascinating work around the concept of agency in suicide prevention. Our conversation challenged the traditional approach of restricting choices and instead explored how expanding options and empowering individuals might be more effective. Luke's research, which started as an open-ended exploration of suicide attempt survivors' stories, revealed something profound about personal agency and decision-making in the pathway to suicide attempts.
The Power of Storytelling in Suicide Prevention: Insights from Stefanie Kirchner | Ep. 134
Today we share some profound insights with our incredible guest, Dr. Stefanie Kirchner. We discuss the experiences of suicide survivors by sharing their stories about suicidality and overcoming a crisis in the media. Particularly when it comes to conversations surrounding suicide—a topic often shrouded in silence and shame. Stefanie’s research highlights a unique approach, focusing on the impact of sharing deeply personal stories. By bravely opening up, individuals don't just speak for themselves; they create ripples that can inspire hope and understanding in others who might be struggling.
Lived Experience Informed Workplace Mental Health Strategies - Part 1: Interview with James Hill | Episode 109
Opportunities in Intersectionality - Race, Gender, Sexuality, Ability & Mental Health: Interview with Emily Unity | Episode 107
We all have multiple identity markers that make us uniquely us and that shape our lives and experiences. When it comes to understanding our experiences with mental health, appreciating these influences helps us better understand our strengths in well-being, our disparities in exposure to harm, and differences in barriers to and opportunities for support. When we see mental health in this context, new frameworks and needs emerge:
Intersectionality is an identity strength rather than being an “other” or “not being enough” of one identity
Representation in and accessibility to mental health services and supports matter greatly>
Exploration and self-investigation into identity is often key to personal and community resilience.
When people identify as “bi” (e.g., biracial, bisexual) or “multi” or are moving in between identities (e.g., immigrants, refugees, gender transitioning) can also have unique challenges and opportunities to well-being. When they sometimes find themselves in a “betwixt/between” state, they find they are not fully embraced by one identity or even rejected outright. This experience of disconnection can cause distress.
In this podcast, Emily Unity invites us to sit in the in between and get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Tell a More Powerful Tale -- Shifting the Narrative of Suicide Prevention by Engaging People with Lived Experience: Interview with Bronwen Edwards | Episode 95
Storytellers in suicide prevention have the power to shift culture and change the world in ways other stakeholders are not able to do. Our “voices of insight” have influence and shape others’ understanding on a deep level. People with lived experience seek to stand in solidarity with our research colleagues, policy champions and mental health professionals to embed our deep wisdom in a processes of partnership. In this podcast, I speak with the world renowned Bronwen Edwards, a global authority on the power of lived experience to drive large scale change in suicide prevention. We talk about how we can approach our partners — who may have different values, priorities and points of view — with “compassionate curiosity” so we can “collaborate the big collaboration” (instead of “fight the good fight”).
Building Bridges at the Crossroads of Suicide Prevention -- Leadership Call to Action: Interview with Dr. Jonathan Singer | Episode 68
Leadership is tested during times of crisis, controversy and social unrest. The best leaders rise to the occasion and can create opportunities for meaningful and lasting change. In the world of suicide prevention, voices of activists are challenging established ways of doing things, and in many ways the field is at a crossroads. Many are finding themselves re-examining the questions and methods of our research, the protocols of some of our “treatments” and crisis services, and the systemic racism and other social determinants of suicide that have not received enough attention.
In this interview, I have the honor of interviewing Dr. Jonathan Singer, the current President of the American Association of Suicidology, who has weathered many transitions and challenges during his leadership tenure with grace and significant impact. He shares his story of how he became the leader he is today and invites others to find their voices to change the field to be more inclusive and effective.
Workplace Suicide Prevention Training: Interview with Gabriela Malafaia | Episode 65
The workplace is arguably the most cross-cutting system in suicide prevention. Just about everyone who dies by suicide or attempts suicide was working, was recently working, or has a close friend or family member who is working. Thus, just like we promote CPR training at our job sites to save lives, we should also consider on-going, skill developing suicide prevention training programs. In this presentation I interview Gabriela Malafaia, a leader in People’s Management in the oil and gas industry. We discuss the many reasons why workplace suicide prevention training is the right thing to do and list several best practices to leverage a tiered approach. Sharing a number of case studies, we conclude that successful training initiatives not only improve the confidence and competence of a workforce dedicated to making suicide prevention a health and safety priority, impactful training actually helps drive a caring culture.
When Therapists Have Lived through Suicide Intensity -- Deep Insights on Helping the Suicidal Person: Interview with Dr. Stacey Freedenthal | Episode 48
Do mental health providers’ own personal histories with suicide impact their interactions with and attitudes towards people experiencing suicide intensity? What happens when clinicians disclose their own suicide attempts to the public or to their clients? Does an “insider’s view” help a therapist to be more of an ally than an adversary? In this interview Dr. Stacey Freedenthal and I explore these questions as we have an in-depth conversation about her deep insights in helping the suicide person.
Global Perspectives on World Suicide Prevention -- A Glimpse inside the World Congress of Suicide Prevention: Interviews with World Congress Delegates | Episode 45
Over 855 delegates from 57 countries convened in Derry/Londonderry to share the science, stories and strategy of suicide prevention and suicide grief/trauma support. The theme of the conference was "Breaking Down Walls, Building Bridges" and the conference planners were exceptionally mindful about equity in their selection of speakers and content. The voices of people with lived experience were prevalent throughout and one of my favorite sessions was among prominent suicidologists and clinicians who shared their experiences with discrimination and prejudice within the field of suicide prevention. We also had an opportunity to honor the lives and service of two giants in our field who died way too soon -- Prof Allison Milner and Dr. Jan Mokkenstorm. Tune in to be inspired to be part of this international community pulling together to prevent suicide and alleviate suffering.
Cutting through the Clutter — How to Effectively Get your Message of Suicide Prevention Heard: Interview with Dr. Bart Andrews | Episode 42
Recently, with major news coverage of the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” and celebrity suicide deaths, we are having more conversations about suicide, but are we having the right conversations? Are we telling a more powerful tale? In this episode Dr. Bart Andrews shares his story of deciding to “come out” as a suicide attempt survivor, how he challenges “safe messaging guidelines,” and what he believes are most important suicide prevention messages need to be.
The Resilience of Our Elders -- Protecting against the 5 Ds of Suicide Risk: Interview with Heidi Bryan and Dr. Yeates Conwell | Episode 21
Disruptive System Change — Tackling the Injustice of Suicide: Interview with John Mendoza | Episode 20
When it comes to engaging a wider circle in our suicide prevention and mental health promotion movements, we need to take a page from the playbook of other social justice movements. During this interview I got to spend time chatting with one of the most accomplished social change agents I know. In this podcast we hear from an international inspiration, John Mendoza, on how he has mobilized change throughout Australia and beyond. From working with the International Olympic Committee while planning the Sydney games to working with the indigenous people of the Kimberly, John has learned much about empowerment, building capacity and disrupting the status quo.
The New "Stop, Drop and Roll" - 3 Ways to Extinguish the Fire of Suicidal Intensity: Interview with Dr. Ursula Whiteside | Episode 16
Sometimes, however, despite our best efforts to escape emotional pain, we may find ourselves "on fire." And in these instances of the most extreme forms of suicidal intensity, we need a different set of survival behaviors. We need to extinguish the "oxygen" that is feeding the crisis by quickly resetting the emotional state. In this episode, Dr. Whiteside shares three important steps that can help people reset their emotional system; the suicide crisis equivalent of "stop, drop and roll."
From Awareness to Action -- Best Practices in Training for Suicide Prevention: Interview with Dr. Paul Quinnett | Episode 15
With high profile celebrity suicides dominating the headlines in June, the topic of suicide was on the mind of many. While we still have a ways to go to undo the misperceptions, prejudice and discrimination that surrounds suicide and suicidal intensity, we need move beyond just "raising awareness" in our efforts.
We need to take action.
9 Best Tips for Effective Construction Suicide Prevention -- An Interview with Jorgen Gullestrup of MATES in Construction | Episode 2
Jorgen Gullestrup's LinkedIn profile lists him as a plumber and suicidologist from Brisbane, Australia. The truth is since 2007, he has helped revolutionize how the construction industry addresses suicide prevention, and his innovative strategies are now recognized internationally. Listen to his 9 top take-away tips from a decade of discovering best practices in moving an industry from awareness to action.